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the personal housing loan中文是什么意思

用"the personal housing loan"造句"the personal housing loan"怎么读"the personal housing loan" in a sentence


  • 个人住房贷款


  • This dissertation targets on the personal housing loan dealing procedure in commercial banks concerning the working experience , the author provides some suggestions for improving the dealing procedure of personal housing loan business in commercial banks . the author hopes that this research can be helpful for upgrading the quality and efficiency of personal housing loan business in commercial banks , thereby , improving its competitive competence in the market
  • This dissertation is divided into five chapters . it researches on the personal housing loan dealing procedure in commercial banks in the following aspects : the current state of personal housing loan business in commercial banks ; the risks affecting the development of personal housing loan business ; the procedure present adopted in personal housing loan ; innovation of the procedure of dealing with personal housing loan business ; and the empirical research
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